Saturday, June 13, 2009

Boiled Frog Syndrome

While visiting with a friend the other day, the subject of homeschooling came up and it triggered a few thoughts I figured I should write down for future reference.

Basically my friend's position was that, "Homeschooling is good. But I worry homeschooled children may be in for an overwhelming shock when they have to go into the real world, college, work, etc."

This is a perfectly logical concern, to which I sweetly responded, "Well, I think my kids will be alright. They're all very outgoing and confident. So..." But after the words left my mouth, I thought of a hundred different things that I would have rather said...only too late!

As I drove home, reflecting upon the conversation and all the things I wished I would have said, I was reminded of this particularly fitting anecdote about boiled frogs:

If you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water, he’ll jump out. But if you place a frog into a pot of lukewarm water and slowly turn up the heat, it will boil to death.

I'm not sure if that's really true, so please don't try it at home...he,he...But that about sums things up for me perfectly!

Too many Christians have Boiled Frog Syndrome! I should know...I've fallen prey to the disease myself many times! But shouldn't the "real world" be shocking??? I mean, LOOK at it! Perversion, corruption, injustice, immorallity everywhere! I would rather my children be shocked by it than acclimated to it! Wouldn't you???

Of course my sweet friend meant no offense. She loves my children and I. She was just being an honest, caring friend, and I appreciate that. I only wish I had thought this through earlier. Prepared to respond to such a question with love and truth.

This world is a scary place, but God's Word says that He will keep in perfect peace the person who trusts in Him. My children don't need to be afraid of this world. My children trust God! They don't have to be overwhelmed, they have to act!

Evil prevails when good men (and women) do nothing! -Edmund Berke

My purpose for homeschooling is to raise up good men and women to DO SOMETHING! Homeschooling may not be the thing for everyone and that's fine. But I'm doing this for the Lord and for my children. It's not easy, by any means, but I believe that if we persevere we will receive what the Lord has promised.

So...there. That's all I have to say about that, for now. ;o)

1 comment:

  1. Tammy, awesome post! love it. I am totally going to use this when I am defending homeschooling :0)
