Monday, June 15, 2009

Minding My Busy-Ness

Have you ever been so stressed out by all the chaos in life that you found yourself struggling to think? I mean, so overwhelmed by each thought that passes through your mind, you find it difficult to concentrate and complete the simplest, most mundane of tasks? If so, WELCOME TO MY WORLD! Sometimes I do the strangest things and wonder, "What in the world is wrong with me!?!"

For instance, quite frequently I find myself standing in front of the refrigerator, door ajar, questioning the cold, white light, "What was I doing again?" (As if the silly thing might offer some insight!)

Many times I've set out to Wal-Mart, promising to take the kids for Sonic slushes afterward. Only, when I get to the first light, I turn right instead of going straight, heading for church (or possibly Starbucks, I'm not really sure) instead. And of course, it only makes matters worse when all the little people in the car start yelling, "Mom! Where are we going? I thought we were going to Sonic!"

The other night I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth before bed. I was so tired! I could hardly wait for my head to hit my pillow. As I stood there, looking at my tired reflection, I found myself becoming inexplicably frustrated. For some reason, I was having difficulty maneuvering and applying the hand soap to my toothbrush. That's right! You read it. Hand soap! Needless to say, I learned a very important lesson that night, NEVER, EVER, EVER leave the toothpaste next to the soap dispenser!

Aha! You laugh. I gotta admit, I laugh at myself a lot too. However, sometimes I laugh only because I'd rather not fall apart and cry like a big baby!

What has happened to me? Is it because I've given birth to three children? Sleep deprivation? Unhealthy diet? Lack of oxygen? What is it?

Well, I've reached several conclusions. It's definitely all of the above COMBINED with much too much "busy-ness". I've done this to myself! I go here and there and everywhere, for so many different reasons...and so many silly, ridiculous reasons at that! It's no wonder I've finally decided to take back my mind and my sanity by streamlining my life. That's right! We're cuttin' back, baby! Nothin' but the basics.

My Bible says, in Isaiah 26:3, "You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You."

Obviously my mind has been all over the place...definitely not steadfast on God, the way it should be. See if you can relate:

A lot of the things I do, I do because...
1. I want people to like me.
2. It will make me look good.
3. I want people to do things for me.
4. It makes me feel good about myself.
5. I'm afraid of what people will think or say if I don't.
6. I don't trust other people to do it the way I think it should be done (control!).

Sound familiar? C'mon! I KNOW I'm not the only one.

Of course there are times when I do things for the right reasons too! I do lots of things to glorify God, show His love to others or simply out of obedience and love for Him. However, even then, those good reasons can be tainted by selfish reasoning when and if I haven't been spending time with God, the way I should.

I want peace. Peace of heart and mind. I've wasted time pursuing so many "things" in life and look where they've gotten me. It's time for a's time for me to pursue peace like never before! Not just on Sunday or at Bible Study or even once a day in a 5 minute devotional, but all day, every day! Not in just one area, but ALL of them!

I know that sounds hard, but it's really not! Peace really isn't hard to find if it's really what you're lookin' for...

Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you: I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." (John 14:27, italics mine)

Tada! There it is. Jesus gives us His peace! And notice, His peace isn't like the "peace" the world offers. It's not temporal, like a day at the spa, a nap, or a date-night. It goes beyond that...

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." (Phil. 4:6-7, italics mine)

It guards our hearts and minds. We can't "let" sin creep in. We have to pursue peace, through prayer and thanksgiving! It doesn't have to make sense. God's peace transcends what makes sense to us!

"The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace." (Rom. 8:6)

I let sin creep in...into my mind, my motives and thereby my heart. I let it throw out my peace to make room for pride, fear and worry. Well, it's high time for me to mind my busy-ness! It's time for me to really let the Holy Spirit take control. Time to streamline. Eliminate the non-essentials. Prioritize. Put God first. I want peace and I will have it, for myself and my family! TO GOD'S GLORY! Amen. :o)

From here on out, this blog will be a logbook of my journey. I'll share my struggles and my triumphs and offer some tips and advice from my own success and/or failure. I'd appreciate your input as well! Please join me, on this exciting adventure...

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