Monday, June 15, 2009

Jesus Loves Me, THIS I Know!

The following is a post from my facebook notes, entitled, "To All My Mom Friends", dated 2/26/09:

Today has been one of "those" days. I was ready to quit before I even got started! Let's just put it this way, I was in tears within 15 minutes of getting out of bed.

I had another run-in with my "strong willed" child this morning. (Some of you know of whom I speak. :o) It was one of those things I've told him a thousand times NOT to do and yet he was doing it AGAIN! And, of course, this had to happen before I'd had my quiet time or coffee. So, almost immediately, my flesh got the best of me. lol

Within moments I had decided that all hope was lost! I thought to myself, "What have I done wrong??? Why does this child disrespect me this way??? Does he think I'm stupid? Does he think he'll get away with it? He never does! I've spanked, I've grounded, I've yelled, I've pleaded. What more can I DO???" It was at this point that I realized I must be a horrible mother and I completely fell apart. I bawled for about 15 minutes in the shower, hoping my kids didn't hear my pathetic blubbering prayer session! ;o)

Then, after I had regained my composure a bit, I called my dad and asked him if he would spend some time with the boy. I felt like it would be good for this child to help Pop do some work around the church and parsonage and maybe Pop could talk to him about character, integrity and being a good man. Thankfully, my dad agreed and invited us over.

My mom and I went grocery shopping. When we came back we all had lunch together and watched a Dr. Dino video (They're pretty cool!). I don't know what all the guys did while we were gone. However, I have noticed that my "strong willed" child has been REMARKABLY quiet since we got home about an hour ago...he,he. I can see the wheels turning and I'm hoping that is a good thing. Pray with me, k? Thanks.

Anyway, to get back to my reason for writing, I said all that to say this:

Just a little while ago, I sat down at the piano with my Julie in the living room and started playing, "Jesus Loves Me". I smiled and sang as she joyfully played and sang along. :o) After playing the song a few times, I got up to go clean the kitchen and as I stood at the sink and continued to sing that song, the lyrics became real to me...

Jesus loves me this I know
For the Bible tells me so
Little ones to Him belong
They are weak but He is strong

Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so

I've always sang that song, thinking it was meant for children. But at that moment, that song was meant for ME!

I know that God does love me. He knows I'm doing the best I can to raise these children He's given me to love and serve Him. I know He is always there to help me when I need Him because His Word says so! My little ones may be weak, but He is strong! I may be weak, but He is strong! I don't have to have everything under control as long as He does!!! We are ALL in His hands! He can DO what I can't!!!

I'm still tearing up, just thinking about it! It blessed my heart so much. I thought maybe it would bless your's too. Hope so.

God loves you and so do I! Keep up the good work moms!

1 comment:

  1. It certainly blessed me! thanks Tammy. I just love you too much.
